Miniature Painting of Male and Female Buffalo Dancers [SOLD]


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J.D. Roybal, San Ildefonso Pueblo Painter

J.D. Roybal was the nephew of Alfonso Roybal (Awa Tsireh). He did not become productive as a painter until the 1950s, and was most productive in the 1960-70 decade. He painted primarily in the traditional pueblo style while adding touches that are uniquely his own. Roybal used water-based paints. He developed fine color, excellent detail, small and fine lines, and gesturing figures in his work.


One of the more popular paintings by Roybal is a Buffalo Dance scene. Here he has painted two male Buffalo Dancers and a female dancer.  In the background, he added a pueblo village.  Though he occasionally made larger paintings, he was known for creating small, detailed pieces like this one.


Condition:  appears to be in condition

Provenance: from the estate of a former client from New York

Recommended Reading: Through Their Eyes—Indian Painting in Santa Fe, 1918-1945 by Michelle McGeough, Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian, 2009

J.D. Roybal, San Ildefonso Pueblo Painter
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