Michelle Tsosie Sisneros Original Painting of a Pair of Corn Women [SOLD]


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Michelle Tsosie Sisneros, Diné Painter
  • Category: Paintings
  • Origin: Diné of the Navajo Nation
  • Medium: watercolor
  • Size:
    10-⅝” x 9-½” image;
    19” x 17-¼” framed
  • Item # C4493J
  • SOLD

This original painting was created by Michelle Tsosie Sisneros.  We have handled work by the artist in the past, but we had not seen a piece signed “So Who Woh T’ung”, so we reached out to the artist to confirm that this is her work.  She identified the image as a depiction of “Corn Women, which represents the Summer Clan people of my tribe,” and noted that it is an early-career piece.  The signature is her Tewa name, which translates to “Basket in the Mist.”

Sisneros created her Corn Women using a unique palette of rich reds, bold black, and a soft gray.  The women face the viewer directly and raise their hands, each of which holds an ear of corn.  A tall corn stalk, which is being scaled by a series of tiny kokopelli figures, rises between the two women.  Sisneros’ work is gentle and beautiful, using colors and textures that feel both inventive and natural at the same time.  This is a fine offering from an artist with a unique and attractive style.

Artist Signature of Michelle Tsosie Sisneros (1959- ) So Hu Wa Tung “Basket in the Mist”The painting is signed So Who Woh T’ung in the lower right.  It is framed under multi-layered matting in a carved wood frame.

Michelle Tsosie Sisneros (1959- ) is an artist of Diné, Santa Clara, Laguna, and San Luis Rey Mission descent.  She was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  She is most often recognized as a painter, but she has also explored printmaking, clothing design, and other creative pursuits. Her works are included in the permanent collection of the Heard Museum, and she is featured in Patricia Broder's Earth Songs, Moon Dreams: Paintings by American Indian Women.

Condition: excellent condition

Provenance: this Michelle Tsosie Sisneros Original Painting of a Pair of Corn Women is from the collection of a resident of Texas

Reference: Earth Songs, Moon Dreams: Paintings by American Indian Women by Patricia Brodie

Relative Links: Diné of the Navajo NationNative American PaintingsMichelle Tsosie Sisneros, Diné Painter

Close up view of the corn women.

Michelle Tsosie Sisneros, Diné Painter
  • Category: Paintings
  • Origin: Diné of the Navajo Nation
  • Medium: watercolor
  • Size:
    10-⅝” x 9-½” image;
    19” x 17-¼” framed
  • Item # C4493J
  • SOLD

C4493J-paint.jpgC4493J-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.