“Little Sister” Bronze by Glenna Goodacre


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Glenna Goodacre, Sculpture Artist
  • Category: Bronze Sculpture and other Carving
  • Origin: Western Artists
  • Medium: bronze
  • Size:
    8" Height x 5” Width x 6” Depth (bronze);
    3" Height x 4” Width x 4” Depth (marble base)
    Edition: 11/20
  • Item # C4813G
  • Price: $1950

This tender depiction of a young girl in early childhood showcases Glenna Goodacre's mastery in capturing the human form, especially that of children. In the rigid and often unforgiving material of bronze, she conveys the sensitivity and perceptive gaze of a child with her life ahead of her. Goodacre's ability to infuse bronze with such emotional depth and realism is remarkable.

The piece is the 11th in an edition of 20, signed G. Goodacre and dated 1978.

Glenna Goodacre (1939-2020) was a Texas-born sculptor who eventually settled in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She remains one of the most well-known artists in the world of Western sculpture. Her works appear in public, private, municipal, and museum collections throughout the United States. The Vietnam Women's Memorial, installed in Washington D.C. in 1993, is likely her most famous piece. She was selected to create the monumental Irish Memorial in Philadelphia which was installed in 2003, a larger than life-size sculpture of Ronald Reagan for the Reagan Library in California, the design of the Sacagawea dollar coin for the U.S. government, and many more monumental and significant works.

Glenna Goodacre was represented by Nedra Matteucci Galleries in Santa Fe for over a decade with annual exhibits of her works. A fall at her home in 2007 resulted in a serious brain injury, which put a temporary end to her art career. Goodacre died of natural causes in 2020, leaving behind her an incredible legacy.

Condition: excellent condition

Provenance: this "Little Sister" Bronze by Glenna Goodacre is from the estate of a Santa Fe resident

Recommended Reading: Matteucci Masters-Nedra Matteucci Galleries, Santa Fe, Gallery Exhibition November 3 - 25, 2006, Exhibition catalog

TAGS: Santa Fe, New Mexicobronze sculptureGlenna Goodacre

Alternate close-up view of the face of the little girl.

Glenna Goodacre, Sculpture Artist
  • Category: Bronze Sculpture and other Carving
  • Origin: Western Artists
  • Medium: bronze
  • Size:
    8" Height x 5” Width x 6” Depth (bronze);
    3" Height x 4” Width x 4” Depth (marble base)
    Edition: 11/20
  • Item # C4813G
  • Price: $1950

C4813G-bronze.jpgC4813G-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.