Rare Lander Blue Turquoise Gemstone [SOLD]


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Lander Blue Turquoise Mine
  • Category: Accessories
  • Origin: Western Artists
  • Medium: Lander Blue Turquoise
  • Size: 1” x ⅝”
  • Item # C4617C
  • SOLD

The Lander Blue Turquoise mine was discovered in 1973 in Lander County, Nevada. The turquoise that comes from this mine is spider-webbed, with a range of blue tones and a contrasting black matrix. It is widely considered to be one of the most beautiful types of turquoise. Only about 100 pounds were mined; beauty and scarcity have resulted in Lander Blue becoming the most valuable type of turquoise. According to the owner of the Lander Blue Mine, “there seems to be more Lander Blue for sale than was ever mined.” This, of course, means that some of what is available on the market is not actually Lander Blue. Given the high value of this material, it is not surprising that people have attempted to deceive collectors.

This rare piece of Lander Blue weighs about 2.5 grams. It is an undeniably beautiful example of this sought-after turquoise variant, with rich coloration and an appealing matrix. A certificate of authenticity from Robert Brucia, owner of the Lander Blue mine, is included with the piece. It rests in a clear plastic case for display.

Condition: excellent condition

Provenance: this Rare Lander Blue Turquoise Gemstone is from a private Georgia collection

Recommended Reading: Turquoise (Updated): The World Story of a Fascinating Gemstone by Joe Dan Lowry

Lander Blue Turquoise Mine
  • Category: Accessories
  • Origin: Western Artists
  • Medium: Lander Blue Turquoise
  • Size: 1” x ⅝”
  • Item # C4617C
  • SOLD

C4617C-lander.jpgC4617C-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.