Laguna Pueblo Black on White Long Neck Jar [SOLD]
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- Category: Modern
- Origin: Laguna Pueblo, Ka'waika
- Medium: clay, pigment
- Size: 7-1/2” height x 8-1/4” diameter
- Item # C3779E SOLD
At first glance, one might think of Dorothy Torivio when first seeing his pottery - but he is a new generation potter who is mixed heritage Hopi and Laguna Pueblos. He began his artistic career as a katsina doll carver but under the influence of Paula Estevan he became a potter.
He must exercise complete control of his level of patience as this jar would require unlimited patience. There are several ways to view the design on the body but if one visualizes a series of ribbons attached to the neck and swirling around to the base, then the difficulty of painting lines that expand from narrow to wide to narrow again becomes obvious, and then realize that there is a series of lines in the opposite direction crossing the previous ones at 90-degree angles to form small checkerboard squares, then the difficulty becomes apparent.
Another way to appreciate the design is to concentrate on the small black squares at the center of the crossed bars, then one sees row upon row of white diamonds encircling the jar. Equally visual is to view the white diamonds and black and white diamonds as vertical rows of design that increase in size from top to midsection then decreases to smaller size on the lower half of the jar. Then, there is the neck design to further impress the viewer. This jar is an amazing array of design.
Condition: new
Recommended Reading: The Pottery of Acoma Pueblo by Francis H. Harlow, et al. - Frank Harlow
Provenance: from a gentleman in Albuquerque
- Category: Modern
- Origin: Laguna Pueblo, Ka'waika
- Medium: clay, pigment
- Size: 7-1/2” height x 8-1/4” diameter
- Item # C3779E SOLD