Kneeling Male Drummer Figurine by Seferina Ortiz [SOLD]


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Seferina Ortiz, Cochiti Pueblo Potter
  • Category: Figurines
  • Origin: Cochiti Pueblo, KO-TYIT
  • Medium: Native Clay and Slip
  • Size: 4-1/4” tall
  • Item # C3288F
  • SOLD

This figurine, which Seferina named "Grandfather Drummer," was entered in the 66th Santa Fe Indian Market in 1987. It was a Second Award winner. The judges were Jonathan Batkin and Alexander Anthony. The ribbon accompanies the figurine. As usual, Seferina did a marvelous job of forming the figurine and painting it as well.


Provenance: A private Santa Fe collection



Seferina Ortiz, Cochiti Pueblo Potter
  • Category: Figurines
  • Origin: Cochiti Pueblo, KO-TYIT
  • Medium: Native Clay and Slip
  • Size: 4-1/4” tall
  • Item # C3288F
  • SOLD

C3288F-drummer.jpgC3288F-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.