Hopi Small Jar with Eagle Tail Design [SOLD]
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- Category: Modern
- Origin: Hopi Pueblo, Hopituh Shi-nu-mu
- Medium: clay, pigment
- Size: 3-3/4” height x 4-1/4” diameter
- Item # 26017 SOLD
An innovation by Mark Tahbo is his choice of clay. The artists at Hopi have a choice of clay from the Jeddito region, just behind the village of Polacca, clay from the middle village Sichomovi at First Mesa, or Sikyatki clay from the prehistoric ruins so important to the career of Nampeyo. In this jar, Mark selected clay from Jeddito which fires to a beautiful orange blush. It has even been speculated that the vessels of gold that the Spaniards were looking for could easily have been the beautiful gold-color prehistoric Jeddito wares. (Hargrave - American Southwest Virtual Museum, Northern Arizona University.)
The jar is designed with three elements described at Eagle Tail Design. Each is a variation of design from Sikyatki pottery. It is a variation of a design used by many of the Nampeyo family of potters. The design was executed in dark brown.
Condition: new
Provenance: this Hopi Small Jar with Eagle Tail Design is directly from the artist, Mark Tahbo.
Recommended Reading: America's Great Lost Expedition, The Thomas Keam Collection of Hopi Pottery from the Second Hemenway Expedition, 1890-1894 by Edwin Wade, et al.
- Category: Modern
- Origin: Hopi Pueblo, Hopituh Shi-nu-mu
- Medium: clay, pigment
- Size: 3-3/4” height x 4-1/4” diameter
- Item # 26017 SOLD