Hopi Painting of a Corn Dancer Katsina [SOLD]


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Waldo Mootzka, Hopi Pueblo Painter

“When the weather warms. . . kachina dances are held in the plaza of the village.  These dances may be either Mixed Kachina Dances (Soyohim) where all the dancers are different types of Kachinas, or they may be a dance where all of the kachinas are the same—the Regular or Line Dance.  Fewkes refers to these as the abbreviated kachina dances for they do not have the elaborate ceremonialism that accompanies the more important rites such as the Powamu or Niman. The dances may be sponsored by people who wish to commemorate some special event such as the return of a son from the army, the recovery from an illness, or a child’s birthday.  While there is always a strong element of religion present in these dances, there is also an equally strong element of entertainment. Each of the kachinas presented in one of these dances has a definite purpose, often in addition to their primary purpose of bringing rain and fertility.” Wright 1973:107

This painting by Mootzka is of a Corn Dancer, one of the katsinas that appears in a Line Dance mentioned above.  There are a number of Corn Katsinas, probably more than any other class. Corn is a major part of the Hopi religion and culture and the growth of corn in the dry lands of the Hopi reservation require serious attention.  The Corn Katsinas are accompanied by Manas whou use scapulae and rasps as musical instruments to accompany the katsinas during their dance. This katsina appears during the spring to promote the growth of corn.

Condition: this Hopi Painting of a Corn Dancer Katsina is in very good condition

Provenance: from a gentleman in Santa Fe

Reference: Wright, Barton. Kachinas a Hopi Artist’s Documentary

Relative Links: Native American Painting; Katsina; Waldo Mootzka; Hopi Pueblo

Waldo Mootzka, Hopi Pueblo Painter
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