Hopi Na-ngasohu Katsina Doll [SOLD]
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- Category: Traditional
- Origin: Hopi Pueblo, Hopituh Shi-nu-mu
- Medium: wood, paint
- Size: 9” height
- Item # C3805A SOLD
The Hopi Na-ngasohu Katsina seems to have several English translations—Planet, Meteor, and Chasing Star—and each publication shows the same Katsina regardless of the name under which it is described. Physically it is a handsome Katsina with an enormous fan of eagle feathers behind the head and back. It has a simple four pointed star for a face with no visible eyes or mouth.
This Katsina doll was sold to the current owner as Na-ngasohu but it does not resemble in any manner the published version of that Katsina. It was listed as a circa 1890s carving. Perhaps there is an older version that differs from today’s version of this Katsina but I have not found a picture of one yet. Perhaps it is a different Katsina which I have not yet discovered in a publication.
This is a beautiful carving of the old style with both arms tucked into the stomach and a slight indication of genitals. It has a sun shield at the top of the head that most likely had feathers protruding out from the front. There are drill holes in the top of the head of the type used for securing feathers. There currently are no feathers on the doll. It has bulging eyes and snout which are not seen on current Na-ngasohu dolls. The yellow and green pigments appear to be of a mineral or vegetal source and the orange and black appear to be commercial paint.
Condition: fairly good condition with some loss of wood and paint.
Recommended Reading: Kachinas—a Hopi Artist’s Documentary by Barton Wright with original photographs by Cliff Bahnimptewa
Provenance: from the extensive collection of a family from Oklahoma
- Category: Traditional
- Origin: Hopi Pueblo, Hopituh Shi-nu-mu
- Medium: wood, paint
- Size: 9” height
- Item # C3805A SOLD