Historic Santo Domingo Pueblo Aguilar Pottery Jar with Oval Designs [SOLD]
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- Category: Historic
- Origin: KEWA, Santo Domingo Pueblo
- Medium: clay, pigment
- Size: 10-¾” height x 11-½” diameter
- Item # C4213Zi SOLD
Some of the Aguilar sisters’ jars are delicate in appearance, but this one is bold, bright and powerful. Their ability to produce different styles so effectively is what sets them apart from other potters of their time.
The strong design concept on the body of this vessel is based on a traditional design of crossed diagonals, which was documented by Chapman (p.85). However, the artists embellished it by adding a four-leaf element at the intersection of the two black triangles. This might have been their way of elaborating on a traditional design which had been used many times before.
The unusual treatment of the neck design adds to the overall brilliance of this jar. The lower part uses rain clouds, with increased intensity as a result of double-arched clouds and black dots for rain or hail. The upper design on the neck—just below the rim—is more relaxed, eliciting thoughts of gentle wind and pleasant motion.
To emphasize the boldness, the artist added three framing lines just below the rim, three more on the shoulder, and a pair below the primary design panel. Most potters used a single framing line or a pair of framing lines; the Aguilar sisters’ slightly more elaborate designs are daring and effective. The very strong dark black pigment—one of the most recognizable traits of an Aguilar jar—stands out even more than usual on this amazing jar.
Condition: this Historic Santo Domingo Pueblo Aguilar Pottery Jar with Oval Designs is in very good condition
Relative Links: Santo Domingo Pueblo, pottery, Felipita Aguilar Garcia, Asunción Aguilar Caté
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- Category: Historic
- Origin: KEWA, Santo Domingo Pueblo
- Medium: clay, pigment
- Size: 10-¾” height x 11-½” diameter
- Item # C4213Zi SOLD