Historic Isleta Pueblo Traditional Dough Bowl [SOLD]


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Once Known Native American Potter
  • Category: Historic
  • Origin: Isleta Pueblo, Tue-I
  • Medium: clay
  • Size: 7” height x 15-¼” diameter
  • Item # C4720A
  • SOLD

This gorgeous redware dough bowl was created by an Isleta Pueblo potter. For early utilitarian works like this one, tan clay was used, with a red slip applied around the rim. Stone polishing created a smooth texture, which balanced out the rough nature of the sand that was used as a tempering agent. This traditional Isleta style was practiced frequently until 1879, when several potters migrated to Isleta from Laguna. The Laguna potters taught the Isleta potters to make polychrome wares, and the traditional style was largely abandoned.

We are always pleased to come across a strong example of traditional Isleta pottery, which is relatively rare. Isleta potters who made the traditional pottery style did not learn from the Laguna potters to make the new style. Likewise, the potters who learned from Laguna potters to make the new style did not make the traditional Isleta style. As the older women ceased to make pottery, traditional Isleta pottery ceased to exist.

This piece shows all the expected signs of extensive use at the pueblo. Materials have accumulated on the interior and exterior, and some abrasions and chips appear. The interior surface has been ground to a smooth state, and a discoloration appears in the interior center. The wear pattern suits the bowl perfectly, highlighting its utilitarian nature.

The bowl's rich red coloration is a treat for the eyes, and its well-balanced form deserves praise. The pattern of small fire clouds that adorns the exterior is wonderful. The clouds vary in intensity from soft gray to dark black. They vary in size as well, and the pattern as a whole creates a wonderful composition on the exterior. This is an excellent example of historic Isleta Pueblo pottery.

Condition: good condition with extensive wear from use, including abrasions, chips, and two cracks at the rim (see below)

Provenance: this Historic Isleta Pueblo Traditional Dough Bowl is from a private New Mexico collection

Reference: Pottery of the Pueblos of New Mexico 1700-1940 by Jonathan Batkin

TAGS: Southwest Indian PotteryHistoric PotteryIsleta Pueblo

Condition: good condition with extensive wear from use, including abrasions, chips, and two cracks at the rim

Alternate view of the inside of this bowl.

Once Known Native American Potter
  • Category: Historic
  • Origin: Isleta Pueblo, Tue-I
  • Medium: clay
  • Size: 7” height x 15-¼” diameter
  • Item # C4720A
  • SOLD

C4720A-bowl.jpgC4720A-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.