Helen Hardin Original Painting titled “Hopi Sky Guardian” [SOLD]


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Helen Hardin, Santa Clara Pueblo Painter

"Hopi Sky Guardian" is an original acrylic painting by Helen Hardin of Santa Clara Pueblo. Hardin often incorporated symbology from outside of Santa Clara in her work. Here, she interprets Hopi imagery, as she did in multiple paintings and etchings during her short but impactful career.

A gorgeous abstract form appears in the center of the image, with a bird's head being the most clearly defined element. Feathered wings, which might suggest a similarity to those of a moth or another insect, hang down from both sides. Triangular spirals and jagged-edged forms nod to prehistoric designs.

Hardin used a mostly monochromatic color palette for "Hopi Sky Guardian," creating the majority of the painting using varying shades of a beautiful gold tone. It appears as a soft yellow, a brown tone, and everything in between, creating rich depth and beautiful texture within the background's wonderful wall of gold clouds. Maroon, black, and gray tones were used sparingly and effectively to add strength and definition to the central form. This is a truly exceptional example of Helen Hardin's work.

Artist signature and hallmark of Helen Hardin, Santa Clara Pueblo PainterThe painting is signed Tsa-Sah-Wee-Eh. It is in the original frame, which mounts a wood frame on a fabric backing within a larger frame. The title is written on the frame's paper backing.

Helen Hardin (1943-1984) Tsa-Sah-Wee-Eh or "Little Standing Spruce" was an innovative and influential painter from Santa Clara Pueblo. Hardin was born in 1943 to Santa Clara Pueblo painter Pablita Velarde and Caucasian civil servant Herbert Hardin. Inspired by her mother, she began creating and selling paintings as a teenager. She went in a different direction than her mother and her mother's peers, creating more contemporary works that depict Native American symbology with striking geometrical patterns and abstract imagery. She died of cancer in 1984, leaving behind an astounding body of work for her many admirers to enjoy.

Condition: excellent condition

Provenance: this Helen Hardin Original Painting titled "Hopi Sky Guardian" is from a private New Mexico collection

Recommended Reading: Changing Woman: The Life and Art of Helen Hardin by Jay Scott

TAGS: Santa Clara PuebloPablita VelardeNative American PrintsNative American PaintingsHelen Hardin, Santa Clara Pueblo PainterSouthwest Indian Pottery

Close-up view of a section of this painting.

Helen Hardin, Santa Clara Pueblo Painter
C4666J-paint.jpgC4666J-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.