Crystal Trading Post Rug with Vallero Stars [R]
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- Category: Navajo Textiles
- Origin: Diné of the Navajo Nation
- Medium: wool
- Size: 6’3” x 4’ ½”
- Item # C3756D
- Price No Longer Available
The years before 1864 were the Classic Period (1650-1863) in Navajo weaving. Navajo women wove textiles that ranged from thick utility blankets (diyugis) to extremely fine wearing blankets. The blanket that eventually became known as the "Chief blanket" was so named because it was a prized item of trade between high-status members of neighboring tribes and early traders. The Navajo during this period were producing some of the finest textiles ever to exist.
This period came to a sudden and traumatic end in 1863 when the United States Government, fed up with Navajo raids, had Kit Carson round up 7000 Navajo and walk them to Bosque Redondo in southern New Mexico where they were held captive for four years. Many died during the long walk and others died during the four years of captivity. Only one-quarter of them survived, and when they were released, they found their homes, pastures and flocks destroyed, and their homeland reduced to one-fifth its original size.
During their confinement the Navajo were issued blankets by the government that had been woven by Spanish residents and were also issued commercially manufactured blankets. The locally-woven Spanish blankets often featured the eight-pointed Vallero star, a motif commonly used in blankets woven in New Mexico Spanish villages, something that came to New Mexico with the Spanish invaders. The Navajo eventually adopted the Vallero star into their textiles.
This textile has Vallero stars and typical J. B. Moore influenced hooks and Z symbols. It dates to circa 1920, a period following the departure of Moore from the post. Weavers began introducing their own designs into basic Moore designs and eventually his influence waned.
Condition: recently cleaned and repaired and ready for use. Some minor staining
Recommended Reading: J. B. Moore – United States Licensed Indian Trader - Collection of Catalogs Published at Crystal Trading Post 1903-1911, Avanyu Publishing, Albuquerque,1987.
Provenance: unknown
- Category: Navajo Textiles
- Origin: Diné of the Navajo Nation
- Medium: wool
- Size: 6’3” x 4’ ½”
- Item # C3756D
- Price No Longer Available