Corrugated Polychrome Jar with Feather Design by Richard Zane Smith [SOLD]


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Richard Zane Smith, Wyandotte Pottery
  • Category: Modern
  • Origin: Wyandotte Nation
  • Medium: pigments, clay
  • Size: 8-½” Height x 11-¾ Diameter
  • Item # C4850Y
  • SOLD

Artist signature of Richard Zane Smith Wyandotte Nation PotterRichard Zane Smith, a renowned potter of Wyandotte heritage, is celebrated for his innovative approach to pottery that combines traditional techniques with contemporary design. This exquisite piece exemplifies his mastery. This handsome and playful jar stands at 8-½ inches in height and spans 11-¾ inches in diameter. It features a striking polychrome feather design, intricately crafted on a red clay base. Smith is known for his corrugated surfaces, a signature element that imparts a unique tactile quality to his work. The cascading feather design adds a delicate, graceful touch, contrasting beautifully with the robust texture of the corrugation. Created in 2016, this jar is a testament to Smith's skill in blending traditional craftsmanship with innovative artistic expression. The jar is signed 2016 Richard Zane Smith on the bottom.

Richard Zane Smith (1955 - ) does not promote himself specifically as an American Indian, though he has Wyandotte heritage. The Wyandotte, also known as the Huron, are an Indigenous people originally from the Great Lakes region of North America. Today, a significant number of Wyandotte descendants reside in Oklahoma, where they continue to preserve and celebrate their rich cultural traditions and skilled craftsmanship. Smith's work is inspired by the ancient, corrugated wares of Southwest cultures. Using thin coils as the foundation for his vessels, he incorporates polychrome designs on the surface, departing from traditional methods. From a distance, his pieces resemble basketry more than pottery. Notably, the walls of his vessels are exceptionally thin, showcasing his remarkable skill and precision.

Condition: excellent condition

Provenance: this Corrugated Polychrome Jar with Feather Design by Richard Zane Smith is from the estate of a Santa Fe resident

Recommended Reading: Pueblo Indian Pottery 750 Artist Biographies by Gregory Schaaf

TAGS: WyandotteSouthwest Indian PotteryRichard Zane Smith

Alternate view of this pottery vessel.

Richard Zane Smith, Wyandotte Pottery
  • Category: Modern
  • Origin: Wyandotte Nation
  • Medium: pigments, clay
  • Size: 8-½” Height x 11-¾ Diameter
  • Item # C4850Y
  • SOLD

C4850Y-feather.jpgC4850Y-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.