Contemporary Zia Pueblo Polychrome Serving Bowl [SOLD]


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Artist Unknown
  • Category: Modern
  • Origin: Zia Pueblo, Tsi-ya
  • Medium: clay, pigment
  • Size: 4-5/8” depth x 9-1/2” diameter
  • Item # C3753.24
  • SOLD

This is a traditionally-made serving bowl from Zia Pueblo, created most likely in the mid-20th century.  This excellent medium-size bowl was coil-formed of native clay with the addition of crushed basaltic temper. The underbody's bare paste was stone-polished to a warm brick-red color. The design field was covered in traditional cream slip over which the design of geometric elements was painted. The rim of the bowl curves inward just so slightly and displays a very slight concave slope.


Condition: structurally in very good condition.  There is some crazing of the cream slip, particularly in one area of the design.

Recommended Reading: The Pottery of Zia Pueblo by Francis Harlow and Dwight Lanmon

Provenance:  from the extensive collection of a Santa Fe resident who has unfortunately moved to another city and found it necessary to greatly reduce her collection.

Close up view of side panel design.

Artist Unknown
  • Category: Modern
  • Origin: Zia Pueblo, Tsi-ya
  • Medium: clay, pigment
  • Size: 4-5/8” depth x 9-1/2” diameter
  • Item # C3753.24
  • SOLD

C3753-24-bowl.jpgC3753-24-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.