Cochiti Pueblo Female Roly-Poly Figurine [SOLD]


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Once Known Native American Potter


There have been a number of potters at Cochiti Pueblo who have made figurine pottery since the revival in interest in the 1970s.  The interest in storytellers, nacimientos, human figures and animal figures has been at its peak since then.  Figures such as this female were probably made by several potters, but Seferina Ortiz is one of the potters known to have made these roly-poly females.  This one is not signed so we cannot attribute it to Seferina, but it could have been made by her.


Condition:  The female figurine is in excellent condition with great patina and a few scratches as would be expected.


Provenance:  from the collection of Katherine H. Rust


Recommended Reading:  Collections of Southwestern Pottery: Candlesticks to Canteens, Frogs to Figurines by Allan Hays et al. (This is an out of print book but may be available through a book search)



Once Known Native American Potter
C3218D-roly-poly.jpgC3218D-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.