Bronze Sculpture “Corn Maiden” by Al Qöyawayma of Hopi Pueblo


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AL Qöyawayma, Hopi Pueblo Artist
  • Category: Bronze Sculpture and other Carving
  • Origin: Hopi Pueblo, Hopituh Shi-nu-mu
  • Medium: bronze with wooden base
  • Size: 12” tall x 5” diameter of base
  • Item # C4848ZN
  • Price: $5500

Artist signature of AL Qöyawayma, Hopi PuebloThis bronze sculpture of "Corn Maiden" by artist Al Qöyawayma is a modern manifestation of the most important personage to all Hopi. Every Hopi infant is given a corn mother (perhaps not the correct words) and it stays with them throughout life. Corn is very important to the Hopi and her representation in bronze by Al Qöyawayma is a beautiful rendition in a very contemporary or modern style. The sculpture was completed in 1985 in an edition of 30 of which this is number 9. It is signed with the name of the artist, date, and item number.

Al Qöyawayma is one of the most famous Hopi potters of the contemporary scene. He entered the art scene around 1970 and is still actively making pottery. Less known are his bronze sculptures but they are just as exciting as his unique pottery.

Qöyawayma attributes his pottery style to his aunt, the famous Hopi potter Elizabeth White or Polingaysi Qöyawayma. It was she who started the all-natural clay pottery without slip or design. He added the sculptural aspect to his work while hers was simpler and unadorned.

"Al Qöyawayma is a ceramic artist, potter, and bronze sculptor. He's also a thinker of great thoughts, a Fulbright Scholar, a co-founder of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society, a featured artist at the Smithsonian's permanent Archives of American Art as well as a physicist, astronomer, anthropologist, engineer, and educator." Indian Country Today

Condition: very good condition

Provenance: this Bronze Sculpture "Corn Maiden" by Al Qöyawayma of Hopi Pueblo is from the estate of a Santa Fe resident

Recommended Reading: Born of Clay: Ceramics from the National Museum of the American Indian November 5, 2005-May 20, 2007, New York, NY

TAGS: Western Sculpture: BronzeContemporary PotteryHopi PuebloElizabeth White - PolingaysiAL Qöyawayma

AL Qöyawayma, Hopi Pueblo Artist
  • Category: Bronze Sculpture and other Carving
  • Origin: Hopi Pueblo, Hopituh Shi-nu-mu
  • Medium: bronze with wooden base
  • Size: 12” tall x 5” diameter of base
  • Item # C4848ZN
  • Price: $5500

C4848ZN-bronze.jpgC4848ZN-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.