Acoma Pueblo Black on White Design Small Pottery Jar by Lolita Concho [SOLD]


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Lolita Torivio Concho, Acoma Pueblo Potter
  • Category: Modern
  • Origin: Acoma Pueblo, Haak’u
  • Medium: clay, pigment
  • Size: 4-3/8” tall x 5-3/8” diameter
  • Item # C4224E
  • SOLD

This Acoma Pueblo Black on White Design Small Pottery Jar by Lolita Concho is a most unusual design on an Acoma jar but it is perfect for the scale of this small jar.  There are adjacent triangle divisions around the body. The inverse triangles are filled with cross hatching brown lines.  The upright triangles contain the curved beak of a bird which continues to fill in the triangle with dark brown pigment. There are four of each design.  The design was executed totally in dark brown pigment on white slip. The underbody of the jar is covered with orange slip and the artist’s name is on the underside.

Artist Signature - Lolita Concho, Acoma Pueblo PotterLolita Concho was born circa 1910 at Acoma Pueblo. She spent her life at the pueblo making pottery for collectors and museums. She was an outstanding potter and one of the few who could make large jars. We commissioned her to make large jars like the ones in R. C. Gorman's lithographs "Water Carrier" and "Acoma" in the early 1980s. The results were breathtaking. She was a prize-winning potter who found time to teach the techniques of pottery making to her daughter-in-law, Dorothy Torivio.

Condition: this Acoma Pueblo Black on White Design Small Pottery Jar by Lolita Concho is in very good condition

Provenance: from the collection of a client who has found it necessary to downsize her collection to facilitate moving into a smaller home.

Recommended Reading: Pottery Treasures: The Splendor of Southwest Indian Art by Spencer Gill

Relative Links: Acoma PuebloSouthwest Indian PotteryContemporary PotteryDorothy TorivioLolita Torivio Concho

Lolita Torivio Concho, Acoma Pueblo Potter
  • Category: Modern
  • Origin: Acoma Pueblo, Haak’u
  • Medium: clay, pigment
  • Size: 4-3/8” tall x 5-3/8” diameter
  • Item # C4224E
  • SOLD

C4224E-concho.jpgC4224E-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.