Acoma Pueblo Polychrome Jar with Rainbow Band [SOLD]
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- Category: Historic
- Origin: Acoma Pueblo, Haak’u
- Medium: clay, pigments
- Size: 9” tall x 11-5/8” diameter
- Item # C3466E SOLD
Various dates have been established for the end of the historic period of pottery production. Some collectors have stated that 1880s was the end period, others have stated the 1920s, but noted authority Jonathan Batkin selected 1940 and it is this last date that we have chosen to use. There are logical reasons for all the dates, but selecting one is an arbitrary choice that really has no effect on the quality or desirability of pottery. A pottery vessel is no better or worse by attaching a date of manufacture to it.
This Acoma jar is probably closer to circa 1940 than to any other period. The traditional elements of Acoma Polychrome are present for a vessel of that time period. The orange-buff underbody, rag-wiped white slip, orange neck interior, and black rim top, as well as the high shoulder, short neck, absence of flexure at the transition from under- to mid-body and the absence of a puki line all contribute to selecting such a date. The two lower framing lines and the single upper framing line are solid throughout the circumference—ceremonial line breaks are absent.
Design regions were established by the undulating orange rainbow element that wraps around the circumference of the body. Designs above and below the rainbow are reflected images. Each design panel is simple, yet intriguing, being comprised of spirals and fine line sections.
The overall superlative work sets this jar aside as a true work of art. It is excellent in construction and design execution with wonderful semi-gloss patina to the slip.
Condition: the overall condition is very good. There is no evidence of any chips or damage other than some loss of paint in one area at the rim which has been over-painted. It is a very small area involved.
Provenance: from the collection of a gentleman from Arizona
Recommended Reading: Acoma & Laguna Pottery by Rick Dillingham
- Category: Historic
- Origin: Acoma Pueblo, Haak’u
- Medium: clay, pigments
- Size: 9” tall x 11-5/8” diameter
- Item # C3466E SOLD