Watercolor "Montezuma Calling the Animals" [SOLD]


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Alfonso Roybal, Awa Tsireh, San Ildefonso Pueblo Painter
  • Category: Casein
  • Origin: Early Native American
  • Medium: Watercolor Paints
  • Size: 10" x 13" image size
  • Item # 22508
  • SOLD

The title "Montezuma Calling the Animals" is a depiction of the ancient legend of the famous Indian Montezuma. He believed that one could connect with the spirit of the animals and nature if one could be trusted as an equal. Here, Alfonso Roybal painted the symbolism of the legend.

This painting is an excellent example of a style of painting, executed by Awa Tsireh, called "representational plus conventional. " The human and animal figures were executed in a very representational style and the clouds at the top are conventional symbols for clouds on pueblo pottery designs.


Alfonso Roybal, Awa Tsireh, San Ildefonso Pueblo Painter
  • Category: Casein
  • Origin: Early Native American
  • Medium: Watercolor Paints
  • Size: 10" x 13" image size
  • Item # 22508
  • SOLD

1026236790.jpg Click on image to view larger.