Sterling Silver Hopi Pueblo Overlay Bracelet Signed Lomawywesa [SOLD]


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Michael Kabotie, Hopi Pueblo Painter and Jeweler
  • Category: Bracelets
  • Origin: Hopi Pueblo, Hopituh Shi-nu-mu
  • Medium: Sterling Silver
  • Size: 5-3/4" inside end-to-end; 1-1/8" opening; 1-3/16" width
  • Item # C3012A
  • SOLD

Michael Kabotie, who passed away this year, learned to paint as a youngster by watching his famous father, Fred Kabotie, work in his studio. Michael, and two other Hopi, organized the “Artist Hopid” as a way to promote their art.

Michael continued his artistic career by making jewelry. This Hopi overlay bracelet is an exquisite example of his mastery of jewelry making. In addition to the standard overlay technique of providing a solid oxidized base over which to lay the cut-out upper layer, Kabotie cut away some of the oxidized base. He chiseled the edges of the oxidized base that overhangs the upper layer. This truly is a very attractive bracelet and in original excellent condition.

The bracelet is signed with his Hopi name Lomawywesa.

Michael Kabotie, Hopi Pueblo Painter and Jeweler
  • Category: Bracelets
  • Origin: Hopi Pueblo, Hopituh Shi-nu-mu
  • Medium: Sterling Silver
  • Size: 5-3/4" inside end-to-end; 1-1/8" opening; 1-3/16" width
  • Item # C3012A
  • SOLD

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