San Ildefonso Painting of Zuni Pueblo Shalako Figures [SOLD]


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Romando Vigil, Tse Ye Mu, San Ildefonso Pueblo Painter

Special Value Offer: The price on this painting by Romando Vigil is being reduced by 20% from the original price of $3500 to a new price of $2800.

The Zuni Shalako Ceremony, held every year in late November or early December at Zuni Pueblo, is one of the most spectacular New Mexico Pueblo ceremonies in which non-pueblo people are permitted to witness. It is the only Katsina ceremony non-natives are permitted to enjoy. Other New Mexico pueblo katsina ceremonies are strictly held for the benefit of the pueblo residents.

That is probably the reason artists from other New Mexico Pueblos appear to like painting Katsina Ceremonies at Zuni Pueblo since they are not permitted to paint Katsina ceremonies from other New Mexico Pueblos. Only Hopi and Zuni Pueblos permit attendance at Katsina ceremonies by non-Native people and only those pueblos permit their ceremonies to be painted by Native artists.

Romando Vigil (1902-1978) Tse Ye Mu - Falling Cloud was one of the San Ildefonso self-taught artists in the early part of the 20th century. He was a leader within the San Ildefonso Watercolor Movement, a movement that caught fire during 1915 to 1917. It fostered an art form unmatched in the culture history of the world. Although Vigil left the pueblo and lived in California for many years, he continued to paint pueblo images from memory. He returned to San Ildefonso and painted for about 10 years before his death in 1978. This painting of a pair of Shalako was probably painted after his return to the pueblo from California in the late 1960s.

Condition: The painting is in original excellent condition. It has been re-framed using all acid-free materials and placed in an exquisite and expensive silver wood frame made by Goldleaf Framemakers of Santa Fe.

Provenance: This was the property of Richard M. Howard, a Santa Fe dealer and collector, and it hung in the upstairs bedroom at his residence.  It was purchased in 2010 from his estate by Navajo artist Tony Abeyta, from whose collection it now comes.


Romando Vigil, Tse Ye Mu, San Ildefonso Pueblo Painter
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