Polychrome Hopi Pueblo Canteen with Butterfly Design [SOLD]


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Marcella Kahe (1916-2008)

Arizona presented the “Arizona Indian Living Treasure” award to Marcella Kahe in 1993. That, alone, should alert one to just how important an artist she is. Further, when one examines this magnificent water canteen, there is then no question about her talents.

Kahe is a respected elder woman of the Butterfly Clan. She lives atop First Mesa in the village of Sichomovi. She is as traditionalist in pottery creation as she is in her lifestyle. The decorations on this canteen are traditional stylized Sikyatki bird elements, but Kahe has added a beautifully designed butterfly to the ensemble, a tribute to her clan.

The canteen is an older item, perhaps dating to the 1980s, but is still in original excellent condition.

Marcella Kahe (1916-2008)
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