Original Painting of a Buffalo Scene [SOLD]


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Carl Woodring, Osage Tribe Artist
  • Category: Paintings
  • Origin: Osage Tribe
  • Medium: Tempera
  • Size: 11-1/4" x 13" image; 19-1/2" x 21" framed
  • Item # C2916A
  • SOLD

According to Snodgrass (1968): “Reared in Pawhuska, OK, the artist began painting in 1956, under the tutelage of Acee Blue Eagle (q.v.). Within a year, he was exhibiting throughout the U.S. and Europe and had become a prolific painter. During 1964 and most of 1965 he virtually ceased to paint, but late in 1965 he began again.”

According to James Bialac (personal conversation) he rarely painted but was primarily a sculptor in wood and bronze. This painting was completed in 1958.

Carl Woodring, Osage Tribe Artist
  • Category: Paintings
  • Origin: Osage Tribe
  • Medium: Tempera
  • Size: 11-1/4" x 13" image; 19-1/2" x 21" framed
  • Item # C2916A
  • SOLD

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