Kiowa Black and Sienna Miniature Seed Jar by Haungooah [SOLD]


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Art Cody Haungooah, Santa Clara Pueblo Potter
  • Category: Modern
  • Origin: Kiowa Nation
  • Medium: Native Materials
  • Size: 1-3/8" tall x 1-7/8" diameter
  • Item # C3016N
  • SOLD

Haungooah was the grandson of the famous Kiowa medicine man and scout James Haungooah, also known as Silverhorn (1861-1941). The first Haungooah became famous in the 19th century for his fantastic ledger drawings of life on the Southern Plains.

The second Haungooah married a Santa Clara woman, Martha Suazo, in 1972. She was a potter and encouraged him to decorate them for her. He became an outstanding decorator of miniature pottery. He was one of the early artists to perfect the sgraffito style of carving.

In 1979, Pierre Cardin recognized him and his wife, Martha, for their artistic excellence. The famous French designer organized a European tour, which showcased their work.

Haungooah met with tragedy when a head-on automobile collision took his life.

In this exquisite seed jar Haungooah decorated the upper half with sgraffito carved eagle feathers encircling the circumference. He then re-oxidized the black firing to achieve a sienna coloration on the upper half. The lower hemisphere of the jar remained a beautiful highly-polished black. The jar is signed Haungooah.

Provenance: Estate of Evelyn and Herbert Weinstein, Santa Fe.

Art Cody Haungooah, Santa Clara Pueblo Potter
  • Category: Modern
  • Origin: Kiowa Nation
  • Medium: Native Materials
  • Size: 1-3/8" tall x 1-7/8" diameter
  • Item # C3016N
  • SOLD

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