19th Century Cochiti Clown Figurine [SOLD]
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- Category: Figurines
- Origin: Cochiti Pueblo, KO-TYIT
- Medium: Native Materials
- Size: 13-3/4" tall; 5-3/4" wide at waist
- Item # C2925M SOLD
New Mexico has had the fortune of being an attractive destination for travelers and visitors for 400 years now. This year, 2010, is the 400th anniversary of the founding of Santa Fe, officially known as the Villa de Santa Fe (City of the Holy Faith). Before the arrival of the first visitors, the area belonged to the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico.
In the late 1500s, Spaniards travelled the Camino Real (the Kings Highway) from Mexico City to Santa Fe, bringing in trade goods. In 1821, the Santa Fe Trail from Missouri to Santa Fe opened bringing more traders and trade materials unfamiliar to the Natives. At that time, New Mexico was part of Mexico. It was not until 1848 that it became a part of the United States.
As a territory of the United States, the Natives found that rules and regulations, under which they were controlled, switched first from the King of Spain, then to the Mexican government and finally to the government of the United States. Following all these changes came another one—the arrival of the train in 1880.
It can be seen that the 19th century was one that must have seemed overwhelming for New Mexico’s Pueblo Indians. Rather than taking up arms against these unsavory invaders into their country, the potters at Cochiti Pueblo reacted by making pottery figurines in mockery of them.
From about 1870 to 1920, they made large pottery figurines of Spanish merchants with their vests and fancy clothing, carnival workers of a variety of sorts, entertainment groups, vaqueros and other persons. The Santa Fe merchants enjoyed the figurines and aggressively marketed them with some success, but unfortunately they were considered “tourist items” and were shunned by museums. Very few ended up in museum collections at that time. Fortunately, collectors appreciated the humor and collected them.
This figurine is probably meant to represent a circus clown. He has red cheeks and red hair. His shirt collar is painted to simulate ruffled fabric. He wears striped pants.
Condition: He is currently in remarkable condition; however, one leg was broken off and has been professionally restored to the original condition. He stands firmly without the necessity of any type of support. It’s remarkable to find one of these 1880s figurines in such good condition.
- Category: Figurines
- Origin: Cochiti Pueblo, KO-TYIT
- Medium: Native Materials
- Size: 13-3/4" tall; 5-3/4" wide at waist
- Item # C2925M SOLD
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