Untitled Oil Painting of Aspens and a Lake [SOLD]
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- Category: Paintings
- Origin: Western Artists
- Medium: Oil on canvas
- Size: 24” x 36” image; 32” x 44” framed
- Item # C3398 SOLD
Walter Bambrook was born in New Mexico and lived in Albuquerque all his life. He attended Albuquerque High School and began his art education at the University of New Mexico. While at UNM, he began his four-year art training under Carl von Hassler. After his formal art education was completed, Bambrook taught many private classes and groups at UNM.
Bambrook received his first award at the age of thirteen from a national art show at the Chicago Art Institute. During his lifetime, he received many awards from other prestigious institutions.
Bambrook's use of heavy brush strokes and profuse paint is quite evident in this painting. His colors are strong and vivid. Unlike Hennings, Couse and other Taos artists, Bambrook and Von Hassler chose to capture the landscapes of New Mexico rather than painting the Indian tribes. Their canvasses are profound expressions of the beauty of New Mexico in the early 20th century.
This painting is tranquil and rich and vivid in color. The artist has focused the attention of the viewer on the brilliantly-colored yellow leaves of the aspen trees on the sides and the bushes near the deep blue lake. From this focal point in the center of the painting, the viewer picks up the darker colors of the painting as it descends inward to the depth of the woods. Colors gradually shift from warm yellows and browns in the foreground to more intense reds and burgundies in the background. This is truly one of Bambrook's outstanding paintings.
The painting is signed in lower left Bambrook and is framed in a magnificent heavy wood gold-leaf frame suitable for a masterpiece hanging in a museum.
Condition: Original condition
Provenance: from a family in Albuquerque who has owned it since it was first painted in mid-20th century.
- Category: Paintings
- Origin: Western Artists
- Medium: Oil on canvas
- Size: 24” x 36” image; 32” x 44” framed
- Item # C3398 SOLD
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