Small Drum with Multi-colored Painted Design from Cochiti Pueblo [SOLD]
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- Category: Pueblo Drums
- Origin: Cochiti Pueblo, KO-TYIT
- Medium: wood, rawhide, paint
- Size: 6” deep x 8-1/4” diameter
- Item # C3183B SOLD
The drum is painted in a beautiful combination of colors and designs. The red wavy center band is outlined in black and surrounded by a blue/grey color. The edges closest to the drum heads are yellow and separated from the blue/grey by a white line. Both drum heads are painted black.
There is a strap handle that was inserted into the drum side and secured from the inside.
Condition: The drum is in excellent condition for its age. The drum handle has worn through at one end and been repaired by sewing the separated ends together.
Provenance: Dana Lipsig Cartaino collection
- Category: Pueblo Drums
- Origin: Cochiti Pueblo, KO-TYIT
- Medium: wood, rawhide, paint
- Size: 6” deep x 8-1/4” diameter
- Item # C3183B SOLD