Original Zuni Painting “Zuni Rain God” [SOLD]


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Percy Sandy, Zuni Pueblo Painter
  • Category: Paintings
  • Origin: Zuni Pueblo, SHE-WE-NA
  • Medium: casein
  • Size: 11-1/4” x 9” image;
    17-1/4” x 15” framed
  • Item # C3514.09
  • SOLD

This painting of the Long Hair Katsina was titled “Zuni Rain God” by the artist.  The Long Hair Katsina gets its name from the long flowing beard suspended from the chin of the mask.  The beard represents falling rain.  The purpose of this katsina is to bring rain, and it is said that they seldom dance without the appearance of a soft gentle rain to help the crops grow.


Signature of Percy Tsisete Sandy (1918-1974) Kai-Sa (Red Moon)This painting of the katsina was exceptionally well executed by Percy Tsisete Sandy (1918-1974) Kai-Sa (Red Moon).  The detail of the clothing and body paint is excellent.  The colors are still vibrant.  The painting is signed in lower left.


Recommended Reading: Kachinas of the Zuni, by Barton Wright with original paintings by Duane Dishta

Condition:  appears to be in original condition with new mat and new wood frame.

Provenance: from the collection of a family from Pennsylvania

Close up view: This painting of the katsina was exceptionally well executed by Percy Tsisete Sandy (1918-1974) Kai-Sa (Red Moon).  The detail of the clothing and body paint is excellent.  The colors are still vibrant.

Percy Sandy, Zuni Pueblo Painter
  • Category: Paintings
  • Origin: Zuni Pueblo, SHE-WE-NA
  • Medium: casein
  • Size: 11-1/4” x 9” image;
    17-1/4” x 15” framed
  • Item # C3514.09
  • SOLD

C3514-09-paint.jpgC3514-09-large.jpg Click on image to view larger.