Hopi Katsina Doll of Hopi Masau’u Katsina [SOLD]
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- Category: Traditional
- Origin: Hopi Pueblo, Hopituh Shi-nu-mu
- Medium: cottonwood, fabric, yucca, paint, shell, bone, feathers
- Size: 16-3/4” tall
- Item # 25837 SOLD
Alph Secakuku in his outstanding book Hopi Kachina Tradition: Following the Sun and Moon spells the name of this katsina Maasaw and refers to him as an “Earth god” who represents protection and guidance, moisture of rain, and bountiful harvest.
Barton Wright in his comprehensive book Kachinas a Hopi Artist’s Documentary spells the name Masau’u and refers to him as the “Skeleton Kachina.”
This katsina is the only one who does not go home at the Niman Ceremony and may dance at any time of the year. The dance is very much like that of the Niman with the Masau’u dancing in one line and the Masau’u Mana in the other. As a katsina from the other world, he does many things by opposites, for that world is the opposite of this world. He may come down a ladder backwards or do other actions in reverse. The many colored splotches on the mask are alluded to as clouds even though the actual face is that of a skull surmounted by Soyal prayer feathers.
In this carving, he carries dried yucca leaves in both hands, has a shell hanging from his neck, and has small animal bones tied to a string around his waist and hanging on his back side. They represent sheep scapulae.
Condition: very good condition with the exception that the fronts of both feet have been broken and glued.
Hopi Kachina Tradition: Following the Sun and Moon by Alph Secakuku
Kachinas: a Hopi Artist’s Documentary by Barton Wright with original paintings by Cliff Bahnimptewa
Provenance: from a former client to whom we sold a number of Katsina dolls in the 1980s although this is not one we sold to him.
- Category: Traditional
- Origin: Hopi Pueblo, Hopituh Shi-nu-mu
- Medium: cottonwood, fabric, yucca, paint, shell, bone, feathers
- Size: 16-3/4” tall
- Item # 25837 SOLD