Special Value Offer: Acoma Pueblo Pottery Owl Figurine by Jessie Garcia [SOLD]
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- Category: Figurines
- Origin: Acoma Pueblo, Haak’u
- Medium: clay, vegetal pigments
- Size: 5” tall x 4” wide
- Item # C3193D SOLD
Special Value Offer: The consignor of this owl figurine has authorized us to reduce the asking price by 30% from the original price of $500 to a new price of $350.
Jessie Garcia made major pottery in large scale, especially large ollas, with magnificent painted designs. She, like other potters, also made smaller items such as this owl figurine. Quite often, a potter found that she had a small amount of clay left over after finishing a major vessel and it was then used to make a smaller jar, bowl or figurine. This owl was painted in vegetal black paint and orange slip over a cream slip.
Garcia was considered by Rick Dillingham (author of Acoma and Laguna Pottery) as one of the three most important 20th century potters from Acoma Pueblo, along with Lucy Lewis and Marie Z. Chino. She was the mother of Anita Lowden and Stella Shutiva and the mother-in-law of Sarah Garcia, all three of whom are recognized as outstanding potters.
Condition: The tip of one wing has a small chip, the beak has been broken off and glued on and the left eye has a very small chip, but none is of major significance.
Provenance: ex. coll. British Columbia Canada collector of pueblo pottery
- Category: Figurines
- Origin: Acoma Pueblo, Haak’u
- Medium: clay, vegetal pigments
- Size: 5” tall x 4” wide
- Item # C3193D SOLD