San Ildefonso Pueblo Exquisite Lidded Jar by Russell Sanchez [SOLD]
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- Category: Modern
- Origin: San Ildefonso Pueblo, Po-woh-ge-oweenge
- Medium: Native clay, Turquoise, Copper, Hieshe
- Size: 5-1/2" tall w/o lid; 8-1/2" tall w/lid; 4-5/8" diameter
- Item # 25337 SOLD
Russell Sanchez is unquestionably one of the most talented and creative of the current pueblo potters. He explained several things to us when he brought this jar in for our August 2010 exhibit “Birds on Pueblo Pottery.” One of the items of information was that he fires his pottery at a much higher temperature, maybe 1800 degrees F., whereas the normal is only around 1100 or 1200 degrees. This results in a much harder surface to the vessel, thus eliminating chances of spalling because any impurities have been absorbed into the clay from the hot firing. He also said that his vessels could hold water as the older vessels did because of the firing technique. The pot, he says, actually achieves a red-hot appearance during the firing.
Secondly, because of the hotter firing, the surface of the pot is much harder, so any sgraffito carving must be performed before firing because of the surface hardness. Most sgraffito carvers carve after firing.
Thirdly, he covered the jar in green slip, which contains a copper compound, then fired the pot in a reduction firing, which turned the green slip black as regular reduction firings do. To regain some of the green here and there, he touched it up with a torch.
Russell created the jar for our bird exhibit, so he carved three birds of different species and flowers encircling the body of the jar. The style of birds and flora are from historic San Ildefonso pottery. He used green turquoise hieshe to complement the green slip in the jar.
The result is a truly magnificent masterpiece of pueblo pottery.
Condition: The piece is new and in excellent original condition.
Provenance: from the artist himself, Russell Sanchez. Note: a letter of authentication signed by AL and Russell Sanchez will be provided to the new owner of this amazing vessel.
- Category: Modern
- Origin: San Ildefonso Pueblo, Po-woh-ge-oweenge
- Medium: Native clay, Turquoise, Copper, Hieshe
- Size: 5-1/2" tall w/o lid; 8-1/2" tall w/lid; 4-5/8" diameter
- Item # 25337 SOLD