Original Alabaster Carving “She Walks in Clouds” [SOLD]


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Clifford Fragua, Jemez Pueblo Artist

This alabaster sculpture of a Pueblo woman was executed by Fragua in 1985. It is one of many of his sculptures in honor of Pueblo women. As a Pueblo man, Fragua is aware of the important part women play in Pueblo society.

Fragua is nationally recognized as a major sculptor. He was chosen by the State of New Mexico to create a larger than life-size statue in marble of the Indian Warrior, Popé. The commission was for New Mexico’s permanent display of a New Mexican in the National Statuary Hall in Washington, DC. The National Statuary Hall was created in 1864 and each state authorized to provide two statues in bronze or marble for permanent display.

Selection of Fragua for the Popé commission was a major recognition of his national prominence as a sculptor and a public recognition of his talent.

This alabaster sculpture is signed and dated by the artist and is in original excellent condition.

Clifford Fragua, Jemez Pueblo Artist
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